Work more efficiently with presets: When you create stories and articles, you can specify which information you want to include.

Creating a story and adding additional information
When you plan a new story or article during the editorial meeting, input fields for adding extra information will be displayed as you create new elements.
For example...
- Define an icon for the story
- Enter the name of the story
- Define the person responsible
- Set the timeframe
This is how it looks at the story level:

You can choose yourself which fields to display. To do this, click on the wheel in the top right-hand corner of the topic view. In the window that pops up, you can use the entries “Story form fields” or "Articles form fields" to set which fields should be displayed. The left-hand column ('Selected') shows the fields that are currently displayed and on the right-hand side, you will see drop-down elements from which you can select further entries to be displayed ('Available').
Click on a drop-down element in the right-hand area and drag the desired entry from the list field into the left-hand column - or double-click - and click on 'Apply'. The corresponding entries and fields are then displayed in the topic view when you create a new story or article.
You can then fill these fields with content or select the corresponding entries from content attributes using drop-down elements, for example.
Creating an article and filling it with additional information
When creating articles, Scompler offers preset fields that are expanded by clicking on the arrow on the left side.
In the example you see
- the selected content type,
- the name of the article,
- the publication date and
- an input field for notes.

You also set he fields to be displayed via the settings, under "Articles form fields". Here, you can also select the corresponding fields by double-clicking and then clicking on "Apply".
Please note: The elements with the lock are always necessary and therefore cannot be removed.
The selected elements are now displayed in the topic view. After clicking on “Create”, enter the necessary information here as well or select from drop-down lists.
The preset fields help you to fill in the necessary information for each story or article. Familiarise yourself with the possibilities in the settings - they will help you to work more efficiently.