How can I get a quick overview of my current stories and articles?

Use the “All Stories” view in the topics section to get an overview of your stories.



Customize the view with filters

Above the overview, various filters are available to help you customize the view to your preferences. You can find out how to customize them here.

Setting up columns

By customizing the columns, you can determine exactly which information is displayed directly in the overview. To set up the columns, click on “Settings” (the gear symbol) on the right and select “Advanced settings”. In the “Topics settings” pop-up, click on the “Columns Stories” tab.

On the left-hand side, you will see the information fields that are already selected and displayed in the “All Stories” view. On the right-hand side, you will see the other available columns.

Open a group by clicking on the title and add the desired data fields to the selection by drag and drop or double-clicking. You can also use drag and drop to adjust the display order. Double-clicking on a field in the left column removes it from the selection.

Close the pop-up by clicking on the “Apply” button at the bottom right to apply the changes.

EN_01_Spalten hinzufügen_GIF

Recognizing “Preliminary stories”

In the “Timeframe” column at the story level, you may see some dates in italics and lighter text. These are stories for which the planning dates are marked as preliminary. This allows you to see at a glance which stories are firmly planned for the coming week/month and which may be postponed.
 EN_02_Stories mit vorläufigem Datum

Sorting stories

You can sort the stories according to various criteria within a displayed timeframe. To do this, click on the column headers to sort the stories by topic, timeframe, or status, for example:

EN_03_Stories sortieren