How often is the data synched in Community Management?

Find out how quickly data in the Community Management feature syncs for integrated channels.




It's important to differentiate between historical data transfers and the synching of new data when using Community Management. 

Historical data transfer (when enabling a channel in CM)

When you integrate a channel with a Scompler project for the first time, the system retrieves historical action data and displays it in the Community Management (CM) feature. The following table shows the timeframe in which data will be retrospectively retrieved after enabling CM for the channel:1_CM_Daten_Synchro_Tabelle_EN

Synching data (after a channel has been enabled for CM)

This table shows the refresh speed for integrated channels which have been enabled for CM:


NOTE: When new actions are created in CM, a blue bar will appear at the top of the actions list prompting you to refresh the page to see them. If a new comment or message appears in a thread related to an action, it will appear in the action details view within 10 seconds without having to refresh the page.