How can I display the topic scoring in the topic view?

Set up the topic view to get an overview of all topic and stories that have been scored with the built-in Topic Scoring.



The views in Scompler can be customised so that you can see the most relevant information at a glance. Use the Topic and Story settings to define what information is displayed in the topic view. Access the settings by clicking on the configuration wheel and selecting the “Advanced settings” option.EN_01_weitere EInstellungen markiert-1

Columns: Topics and Stories

The “Topics columns” and “Stories columns”  tabs allow you to specify the information to be displayed in the Topic and Story views.

  1. Click on the “Properties” category in the right-hand column and drag the “Score” option into the left-hand column.Alternatively, double-click the option.
  2. Use drag and drop to determine the order in which the information should be displayed in the view.
  3. Click on “Apply” to save your changes. You will then see the selected information in the corresponding view.
EN_02_Score-Spalte hinzufügen_GIF


TIP: If you have activated the manual score in one of the topic views, you can hide it again by clicking on “Manual score” in the settings in the left column and dragging it to the right. In this way, you can hide the manually entered score. Alternatively, double-click the option.EN_03_Score-Spalte löschen_GIF