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- Community Management
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First steps in Scompler
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- Your personal profile
- Create and edit articles in the article card view
- Publish articles
- How to connect your strategy with your articles
- Working with topic and story cards
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Your sections in detail
The integrated Topic Scoring
English Material
How can I find specific actions in the new Community Management feature?
The Community Management feature filters will help you sort actions and display them in a useful way.

In the Community Management (CM) feature, you can filter by channel, state, assignee, tag, action type and last activity date. Use the option “Reset filters” to clear all filters.
TIP: The tabs “Unassigned”, “Mine” and “Open” include preset filters. If you want to see actions other than the filtered ones, select other options from the set of filters or reset them all.
You may also use the search function in the upper right corner. All actions which include the keyword from your search will be listed. Switch between the tabs to see the number of results per tab.