How can I publish articles via the Scompler mobile app?

With the Scompler mobile app, you can quickly and easily publish scheduled content on the go.




To publish an article via the app, select the desired article in the calendar. If the article is not yet scheduled, search for it using the app's search function and select the article's due date in the "Info" tab. You can make any changes to the text of your article in the "Content" tab.


NOTE: The “Content” tab of your article card must already contain text for you to be able to access the editor field.


Now go to the "Workflow" tab on the far right of the article card and select the purple "Publish" or "Mark as published" button in the "Publish" workflow step.

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If the due date of your article changes, you can adjust it using the "Set due date" button displayed next to each workflow step. Clicking on the workflow steps also takes you to a detailed view of the respective step, where you can specify the responsibility and leave a comment. As soon as the workflow step has been completed, a date stamp will appear.


NOTE: The article must first be approved before it can be published via the Scompler Mobile app. Your user group must also have the necessary rights to publish articles.


You can also upload, view and delete files directly from your mobile phone. To do this, go to the "Files" tab and click on the "Upload attachments" button. You can choose between images and videos, either by selecting an existing file or taking a new picture or video and uploading it. You can delete a file by clicking on the rubbish bin symbol at the top right of each file.

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NOTE: To upload images or videos, you must authorize the Scompler Mobile app to access your storage. You'll be prompted to do this the first time you try to upload. If you don't allow access, you won't be able to upload anything.


Before uploading images, you have the option to crop, rotate and change the zoom level in an editor.

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