How do I set up the categories in the topic view?

You can adapt the display to your needs by defining elements such as colour, topic sorting and task assignment in the settings.




The Categories are the basis of your work in Scompler, so it's important that you can customise them according to your strategy and the demands of your daily work.

When you click on a Category, a pop-up window opens where you can customise the layout and properties you want to be displayed in the topic view, depending on your needs. Set the name, mission, icon and colour and give the Category an owner and description. You can also set a total budget for all underlying elements. Use the slider to decide whether all the topics included in the toggle Category should have the same colour.


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Tip: Using "Topic Order" you can determine the order in which the topics of the selected Category should be displayed: alphabetically, manually, by name, by deadline or by integrated Topic Scoring. (This function is currently only available on request).

Further settings

Here are three options that you can use to determine how the content linked to the selected Category is displayed in the topic view:

  • Automatically assign dates for stories: the run times for the stories are automatically generated from the deadlines of the articles.
  • Topics: Automatically assign Team to NEW Stories: transfers the assignments entered in the topics to the new stories.
  • Stories: Automatically assign Team to NEW Articles: transfers the assignments entered in the stories to the new articles.