- Scompler Knowledge Base
- Tips and tricks
- Interesting and useful features
What's new in Scompler?
First steps in Scompler
Tips and tricks
- Your personal profile
- Create and edit articles in the article card view
- Publish articles
- How to connect your strategy with your articles
- Working with topic and story cards
- How to use your workflows efficiently
- Interesting and useful features
- Plan and control your budget
- Analytics
- Browser & co.
- Security
Your sections in detail
The integrated Topic Scoring
English Material
How can I display only the features that are relevant to me in Scompler?
Limit your Scompler project to the most important aspects by hiding certain views, areas and tabs in your user group.
Scompler offers many functions and views. You can hide the ones you don't actively use for yourself or your team members. To do this, go to the project settings and click on the pencil icon next to the user group. Here you now have various setting options to show and hide the navigation bar on the left or tabs within the individual menu items.
Here you explicitly learn how to individualize your Dashboard.