Working with the workflow in the article card

Plan your content creation efficiently with the Scompler workflow. Keep an eye on your deadlines and easily coordinate tasks in your team.





A well-structured workflow helps you to keep an eye on every step of your content creation. Not only can you see which tasks are due next, but you can also evaluate your articles according to their current status. For example, you can see when you should develop new ideas and adapt your communication plan. 

When working in a team, assigning roles and responsibilities helps to distribute tasks and efficiently coordinate the transition between each phase. The standard workflow in Scompler is made up of 6 phases and 5 steps:



To schedule your content creation, select a responsible person for each relevant step and a corresponding date for completion. If you want to add a specific time as a deadline for the article to be published, do this directly in the top menu by clicking on "Add deadline" or at the bottom on "Publish".



Complete the steps one by one by clicking the checkbox on the left of the task in the workflow tab and the status will be automatically switched to the next status:


Change the status




After you have defined all of the roles and set up the teams, you can select the team members to be assigned to the corresponding role when planing the content creation. Open the drop-down list of the desired task and assign it to one or more users.



The tasks will be assigned to the selected users and appear in their task overview. You can also define the responsibilities of your team at the story or topic level and then transfer the responsibilities to the associated articles. If the distribution of tasks within your team is the same for all, or at least a large, part of the articles within a story or topic, this will save you time when planning your content.

To do this, open the "Team" tab of the story or topic card and select the desired team members for the respective roles. You can also leave roles empty if you need.


transfer team assignees-_2


You can transfer the assignment to all existing articles. Alternatively, you can decide later in the article card whether you want to transfer the team assignment from the story:


Team assignees from Story_2




In the Scompler PRO version, you can also adjust the steps of the workflow at the article level. To do this, switch to the editing mode via the button "Customize for this article". You can now adjust the order of the steps via drag & drop, and determine which tasks can be skipped or deactivated. If all steps of a phase are deleted, the phase becomes inactive.

When you are finished with your adjustments, confirm them by clicking “Save changes”.



Heads-up: The changes you have made only apply to the article you have edited. To permanently adjust the workflow, please follow the instructions in the article "How do I adapt my workflow to my processes".


Instead of adapting every step, you can also switch to another stored workflow if it fits better with the planned article. At the bottom left of the workflow area in the article card, you will see the workflow currently in use. Click on the field to display the available alternatives. Switch to the workflow that best suits your work process. Existing allocations will be lost when you switch to another workflow.



You can also leave comments in each step and mention a team member if necessary. To do this, click on the comment icon on the right-hand side of the tasks you want to comment on. You will see a text box at the bottom where you can enter the text. Once you have entered the text, click on "Save". If you want to reject the article and leave a comment, click on "Reject", choose a responsible person, a new due date and write the comment. When you are done, click on "Reject" and by the “Approve” phase you will see a number indicating that there is a comment on this step of the workflow.


article rejection