How can I filter by strategy parameters in the topic view?

You can work in a more targeted way by using the strategy parameters. Use the strategic parameters filter in the Topic view to get a clear overview of your strategy and the planned communication activities.




Setting and documenting strategic communication goals allows you to manage your activities more effectively in Scompler. You can use the filters in the topic view to create views and have a clear and organised overview. Click on "Add filter" at the top of the page and select "Strategy Parameters" from the menu list to display the filter.


Add filter


Tip for administrators: Learn how to set up and manage strategic parameters to keep an eye on your strategic goals at all times.


You can activate the filter by clicking on it and selecting an option - you will know that the filter is active when the word "On" is displayed in pink. Select the parameters by which you want to filter from the menu list. To do this, place a tick in the box to the left of each option, or click "Only this" to select only the highlighted option:


filter to strategy parameters


You can also select specific parameters for each category. To do this, click on the arrow to the left of each category to display the list of options and then select those you want to filter. Here you can also click on "Only this" to select only one option. To apply the filter, click on "Confirm" and you will see the topics, stories and articles that match the selected parameters:


filter to strategy attributes


Tip: You can display the parameters in topics, stories or articles in your overview to keep track of the filtered criteria. You can easily read how to configure this in the article "Creating views in the topic view".