Bulk changing of workflow status of articles

Quickly and easily change the status of multiple articles with the bulk status change and save time on daily tasks.


To use the bulk status changes, go to the Content area and select the articles whose status you want to change. Then, click the “Bulk edit” button at the top. The following window will open:EN_01_Bulk WF Status ändern_GIFIn the Workflow Settings area under Status, choose your desired status. The available options are based on the set statuses that were created under Strategy>Workflow (from PRO).

Below the status selection, you'll see two additional options that can be activated once a status has been selected. The option “Remove Archived status” removes the Archived status from all selected articles. Selecting “Remove Deferred status” removes the Deferred status from the selected articles. You can cancel these statuses and assign a new one at the same time.

Finally, click “Apply” in the bottom right corner. A green confirmation message will appear to confirm the changes. You will also receive an email detailing which articles (if any) failed to update. Status changes might fail change for the following reasons:

  • The target status is connected to a “four-eyes” reference or approval task that you do not have permission to check off. These tasks cannot be skipped and must be completed by the responsible team member.
  • The workflow of the selected articles contains tasks with an assignment lock that is not intended for you.
  • These are already planned social media articles.
  • The workflow for some articles doesn't include the target status.
  • Some articles are of the content type “Content Idea”. Their status can only be changed manually.
  • There is a non-skippable task between the current status and the target status that is not intended for you. 
  • The article status was “Archived” or “Deferred”. Here, you need to check “Cancel ‘Archived’ status” or “Cancel ‘Deferred’ status”.