What's new in Scompler?
First steps in Scompler
Tips and tricks
- Your personal profile
- Create and edit articles in the article card view
- Publish articles
- How to connect your strategy with your articles
- Working with topic and story cards
- How to use your workflows efficiently
- Interesting and useful features
- Plan and control your budget
- Analytics
- Browser & co.
- Security
Your sections in detail
The integrated Topic Scoring
The Reports area in Scompler
Get to know our reports area in Scompler to always have an overview of the performance of your content.

In the following articles you will find instructions on how to work with the reports:
01 How do I create and edit tabs and widgets in the reports?
02 How do I create customized views for my reports?
03 How do I create social media widgets for my reports?
04 Which reports are available for Community Management in Scompler? (PRO + Add-on)